Responsable Administration- Logistique-RH, Niamey, Niger


Terre des hommes est enregistrée officiellement au Niger depuis janvier 2022. Dans le cadre du lancement de ses activités au Niger, Tdh recherche : Un.e Responsable administration-logistique-RH. Intitulé du poste: Responsable administration-logistique-RH Lieu d’affectation: Niamey, Niger Nature et Durée du Contrat :  CDD de droit nigérien, de douze mois incluant un (1) mois de période d’essai; avec possibilité de renouvellement. Taux d'activité: 100 % Supérieur hiérarchique : Chef.fe de bureau Niger Date de prise de fonction : dès que possible Conditions : Rémunération motivante selon l’expérience. Tdh offre une couverture d’assurance santé à 90% couvrant l’employé(e), son conjoint et ses enfants de moins de 21 ans. RESPONSABILITES GENERALES Sous la supervision la Chef.fe de bureau Niger, il.elle est en charge des finances, de l’administration, des aspects logistiques et RH du bureau Niger ainsi que de la gestion des collaborateurs affectés à son département.  Il.elle garantit et gère au quotidien les décisions et actions dans son domaine de responsabilité en concertation avec le Chef de bureau, et sous le management fonctionnel de l’Adjoint CAF et Coordinateur logistique Mali-Niger. Il est le garant de la mise en œuvre et du respect des procédures de Tdh sur sa zone d’intervention. RESPONSABILITES...

Niger : Niamey


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CampusPress Sales Specialist (WordPress, SaaS Sales & Education)


We are looking for some epic talent to join our CampusPress family. At CampusPress, we’re experts in bringing innovative web solutions to schools, school districts, colleges, and universities through WordPress and our wide range of plugins and products. Our services in accessibility, security, hosting, and support power millions of education websites, blog networks, and portfolios. You will join an ongoing and expanding team of sales specialists who work collaboratively with all areas of the company to make sure we stand out from the rest! Our talented, inspirational team is located globally, with team members working from every continent. Location is unimportant as long as you are available, enthusiastic, committed and know your stuff. The person we’re searching for will have intimate knowledge of WordPress, experience in working with the education industry, and will manage Accounts, Pre-Sales, and Sales related communications. Our team works in shifts, and we aim to provide 24/7 coverage to our customers. Responsibilities  : The role involves: Responding daily to any inbound/outbound leads assigned to you Scheduling calls with potential clients Providing quotes Setting up networks for trials and answering any pre-sales questions Keeping the CRM for your clients and active deals up-to-date Assisting with...

Niger : Agadez - Diffa - Dosso - Maradi - Niamey - Tahoua - Tillabéri - Zinder - International


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Administrateur Logisticien H/F- Banibangou


La mission: Après des interventions en 2006, puis de 2012 à 2015, à la suite de fortes inondations et de l’afflux de réfugiés maliens, SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL ouvre à nouveau en 2020, face à la dégradation de la situation sécuritaire et s’engage dans de nouvelles actions pour améliorer les services en eau, assainissement et hygiène (EAH) dans plusieurs départements. En 2023, SI intervient dans la région de Tilabéry avec une base opérationnelle à Banibangou (sous base Abala) et une base récemment ouverte à Gotèye (sous base Ayerou) pour assister les déplacés à la frontière du Burkina Faso. La coordination se situe à Niamey. La mission est financée par 03 bailleurs; ECHO et BHA pour des réponses complémentaires au RRM en EHA et Abris. CDC pour une réponse multisectoriel dans les zones de déplacement. Dans la globalité SI mène des activités d’abris d’urgence et semi-durable, de cash d’urgence, d’appui au maraichage, d’AGR et de coupons. La stratégie de SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL au Niger pour 2024 est de continuer les activités de 2023, couvrir plus de zones, diversifier son portefeuille bailleurs et développer son approche multisectorielle. Descriptif de l'offre: Objectifs généraux: L’Administrateur – de base assure la gestion administrative, comptable, financière et logistique de sa base,...

Niger : Agadez - Diffa - Dosso - Maradi - Niamey - Tahoua - Tillabéri - Zinder


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Regional Program Manager DANIDA


ROLE PURPOSE: Save the Children is recruiting for an experienced  Regional Program Manager  who will be responsible for leading a program (2022-2025) funded by the Danish Development Cooperation (Danida) and implemented in the Sahel region. The proposed program aims to address the root cause- failing social contracts between young citizens and states- as well as to mitigate the effect of conflict on children and more particularly girls. The program  overall objective  is to: Promote Peaceful and inclusive societies that uphold and protect children and youth rights in Mali, Burkina and Niger in line with SDG 4, 5, 10, 13, and 16. The program  specific objective  is to Empower CSOs and youth networks in the Sahel to promote inclusive and youth/children sensitive governance and to protect children affected by conflict and girls at risk of child marriage. This program will focus on increasing youth's and children's role and participation in governance initiatives and structures and address key issues, particularly on protection, they are directly confronted to. The program will do so through partnerships with local civil society organisations and youth networks. Civic space for civil society, including child rights organisations, is increasingly being challenged, but Save the Children believes that a strong...

Niger : Agadez - Diffa - Dosso - Maradi - Niamey - Tahoua - Tillabéri - Zinder


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Chef d'Equipe Supports (Finance – RH- Log)


LE POSTE:  Basé(e) à Maradi, le Chef d’équipe Supports (Finances-RH-Log) est responsable pour Maradi de la mise en œuvre des activités Finances, Admin/RH, Logistique et de leur conformité. Il est placé sous l’autorité et la su-pervision du Responsable de Zone Maradi/Diffa sous la supervision technique du Chef des Services Supports basé au Bureau de DRC au Niger à Niamey. Par ailleurs, il est le responsable direct des Assistants Finance et Logistique et de l’Agent d’Entretien de la base de Maradi. TACHES ET RESPONSABILITES A- ASPECT FINANCIER  • Contrôler la comptabilité de Base:  • Assurer l’enregistrement des pièces comptables dans le journal comptable et la clôture mensuelle comp-table; • Vérifier et contrôler les éléments des liasses comptables, notamment la cohérence entre pièces et livres de caisse, comptage physiques et soldes; • Vérifier la cohérence de la comptabilité électronique: codes comptables, codes projets, lignes budgé-taires. • Contrôler et garantir l’éligibilité des factures; • Vérifier la présentation des pièces comptables (traduction, numérotation, présentation) • Suivi des avances en cours sur la base; • Suivi et contrôle des arrêtés de caisse; • Effectuer les pointages et les rapprochements bancaires; • Supervision et consolidation de la trésorerie:  • Consolider et valider le...

Niger : Agadez - Diffa - Dosso - Maradi - Niamey - Tahoua - Tillabéri - Zinder


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Country Finance Manager – Niamey


You will be in charge of 1. Accounting and treasury Management 1.1 Accounting management – supervise the accounting cycle for the mission Ensure timely and accurate data entries in cashbook, bankbook and SAGA following the standard descriptions defined in ACTED’s Global Finance Procedure Manual; Verify and coordinate the monthly compilation accounts from each area; Supervise cash and bank balance checking process when closing the monthly accounts; Communicate accounts on a monthly basis to HQ, respecting SAGA procedures and deadlines in line with the monthly accounting schedule as per ACTED’s Finance Procedures; Manage the presentation, circulation, filing of vouchers and archiving of accounting and financial documents in compliance with FLAT and Finance procedures (maintain an up-to-date filing follow-up: A8.01_Red Cell Game); Review on a random basis quality and compliance of documentation from areas when centralizing; Supervise the Yearly and Midyear Accounting Closures for both General and Analytical Accountancy aspects (V1 and V2). 1.2 Treasury management – ensure a controlled and smooth cash management Ensure justified bank selection process, open/close bank accounts under the authority of the CEO; Oversee the management of bank accounts: control, follow and make sure flows are properly lettered...

Niger : Agadez - Diffa - Dosso - Maradi - Niamey - Tahoua - Tillabéri - Zinder


Contactez notre cabinet de recrutement au Niger

Operations & Security Director- Niger & Burkina Faso


General Position Summary The Operations & Security Director’s responsibilities cover both Niger and Burkina Faso. S/he is a member of the country’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and is responsible for supervising all operational functions in the two countries, including Field Office management, Procurement, Logistics, Assets, Fleet, Warehousing, IT and Security. S/he ensures effective systems that support a strategy for healthy, robust and integrated functions of local team members. S/he is responsible for strengthening the operational performance and efficiency of the organization by developing the capacity of staff and establishing the right systems. S/he also ensures that managerial processes, resources and the necessary infrastructure are all in place. The Operations & Security Director provides support and leadership through capacity-building and the development of systems, policies, and processes. Overseeing several support functions and the field offices, the Operations & Security Director coordinate the support and inter-actions between departments through the distribution of tasks to his team and by coordinating the support needed from HQ. This position required traveling to all field offices. Essential Job Responsibilities STRATEGY & VISION Provide sound leadership and strategic vision for...

Niger : Agadez - Diffa - Dosso - Maradi - Niamey - Tahoua - Tillabéri - Zinder


Contactez notre cabinet de recrutement au Niger

Cash and Markets Experts For Missions In Francophone Africa


CashCap is recruiting Cash and Markets Experts for missions in Francophone Africa CashCap is looking for experts with regional experience and contextual understanding and an excellent command of French. Experience at national and subnational levels at the intersection of humanitarian CVA and Adaptive Social Protection would be an asset. The experts will work inter-agency, supporting the coordination structures at the national level. Candidates have to be available to deploy from early January 2022. NORCAP  is the Norwegian Refugee Council’s expert deployment mechanism. NORCAP strengthens international and local partners’ capacity to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from crisis by deploying highly qualified women and men from its world leading standby rosters. The deployed experts work with UN agencies, humanitarian organizations, development actors and national stakeholders to save lives, build resilient communities, ensure peaceful transitions from conflict and promote sustainable governance.  Successful candidates will be placed in the CashCap roster CASHCAP programme, part of NORCAP, deploys cash and market experts to contribute to the scale up and quality of Cash and Voucher Assistance in line with Grand Bargain commitments. CashCap deployments typically range from 6-12 months. The decision...

Niger : Agadez - Diffa - Dosso - Maradi - Niamey - Tahoua - Tillabéri - Zinder


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Directeur Adjoint des Opérations


Résumé du poste Le Directeur Adjoint des Opérations (DDO) est membre de l'équipe de direction (SMT) (avec le Directeur Adjoint des Programmes (DDP), le Directeur Adjoint Finances (DDF) et le Directeur Pays (CD)). Il / elle est responsable de la direction et de la gestion des équipes des opérations du programme de pays en s'assurant qu'elles sont adaptées aux besoins et répondent aux besoins des programmes de l'IRC. Le DDO devrait contribuer à des niveaux élevés de travail d'équipe et de collaboration inter-département et intersectorielle. Grâce à son leadership, les équipes des opérations appuieront la prestation des programmes, axées sur les résultats et guidées par l'analyse des données, l'identification des problèmes et la résolution de problèmes. Responsabilités Principale • Ethique and Intégrité • Adhérer et agir en conformité avec le Code de conduite (IRC Way) et d'autres politiques et procédures globales de ressources humaines, et communiquer par la parole et par l’exemple une norme élevée de conformité avec toutes les politiques et réglementations applicables. Gestion et Stratégie • Contribuer activement et participer à des plates-formes de gestion et de leadership telles que l'équipe de direction, l'équipe de leadership du pays et l'équipe de gestion du pays.  • Être un champion de la mise en œuvre...

Niger : Agadez - Diffa - Dosso - Maradi - Niamey - Tahoua - Tillabéri - Zinder


Contactez notre cabinet de recrutement au Niger

Head Of Advocacy,Campaigns, Communication and Media- (220008WS)


ROLE PURPOSE: The Head of Advocacy, Campaign Communication & Media shares in the overall responsibility for the direction and coordination of the Country Office.  The Head of Advocacy, Campaign Communication & Media in his/her capacity is responsible for providing leadership to ensure excellence in serving members and their donors, in both emergency and development contexts. SCOPE OF ROLE: Reports to: Country Director Dimensions: Save the Children has been operational in Niger since 2005, providing support to children through developmental and humanitarian relief programmes delivered both directly and through local partners. Current programming focuses on child protection, child rights governance, education, health, food security & livelihoods, nutrition and WASH. Save the Children has an operational presence in Maradi, Tillaberi, Zinder and Diffa. Currently, we have a staff complement of approximately 350 staff and a budget of approximately US$21million per year. Staff directly reporting to this post: 2 Advocacy & Campaign Advisor Media & Comms Manager KEY AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY: As a member of the Senior Management Team, contribute to: Leadership of the Niger Country Office Support the development of an organisational culture that reflects our full spectrum values, promotes accountability and high...

Niger : Agadez - Diffa - Dosso - Maradi - Niamey - Tahoua - Tillabéri - Zinder


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